Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nursery et al.

How embarrassing that it has been almost two months since I have posted. Since I was last here I have been lucky to spend time with my family and my brother has already come and gone from his first tour to Afghanistan. He leaves for his second, two-month long tour week after next. My dad is slowing down a bit but is in good spirits and maintains his treatments with a positive attitude. I have definitely been in nesting mode, which is fun yet difficult since it’s getting pretty hard to get around comfortably. Below are the most recent photos of the nursery. Next on the agenda is a chandelier, wall art, bookshelf "editing" and two baby girls to occupy it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

26 Weeks!

Quick update, I’ve been slack! We’ve been busy with doctor’s appointments, readying the nursery and visits with family. Both babies are developing right on schedule. As of today, Baby A is 2 lbs with a heart rate of 152. Baby B is 1 lb 15 oz with a heart rate of 156. They have been busy and feeling them move is so exciting, I can’t keep my hands or eyes off my belly.

My dad’s treatments are ongoing and until he has his next CT scan there is little to report. My brother left for Afghanistan on Tuesday and will be back in just over a month for a brief break only to return to Afghanistan for another two months. Below are ultrasound photos of each baby girl at 26 weeks 1 day as well as a 26 week belly shot by my extremely talented friend.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nursery Painted, Cribs Ordered!

I spent the weekend visiting with my parents and shopping for the nursery. Mom and I hit several baby stores, fabric stores and a great mom’s consignment sale. On Sunday, I met my mother in law for a few hours of maternity clothes shopping. While I was away, my husband finished the bead board and paint in the nursery. I’m so proud of him! I have been utterly spoiled!

I wish I could figure out how to create a “mood board” to give a better idea of the look I am going for in the nursery. I succumbed to a girly look, so much for the safe route I had originally intended.

PS - Sorry for the weird spacing between photos, I give up!

Cribs: Peyton 3 in 1 Dropside Crib by Bonavita

Paint: Pale Shrimp by Behr

Bedding: Waverly Lovely Lattice Lagoon (More Aqua than Pictured)

Bedding: Penny Lane Meadow Fabric

Bedding Trim: Pink Grosgrain Box Pleat

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ultrasound Photos & Gender News

Well, our 18-week appointment went really well. As predicted by the sonographer at our 14-week appointment, we are having two girls! Both babies weighed in at exactly 8 oz with heartbeats of 148. Everyone is looking healthy; profiles of each baby are below. Baby B is transverse and at the appointment was pretty much kicking Baby A in the face. I was diagnosed with partial placenta previa but am told it will likely (hopefully) correct itself as the pregnancy progresses.

Luckily, my husband is extra motivated to get the nursery going and has recruited a team of buddies to start putting up trim and bead board in the nursery tomorrow. I am working on narrowing down the mind-boggling array of pink paints. This weekend I will head home for a visit with my parents and some shopping. I’m hoping to have the nursery completed by 28 weeks in the event I end up on bed rest (knock on wood). Thanks all for the sweet comments on my previous post. Things are definitely looking up.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Good News First?

Well, the good luck had to wear off at some point. If any of you are still even checking this blog, let me explain why I haven’t been posting. First of all the babies are doing great. Wednesday we will find out their sexes. At our last ultrasound, the sonographer said her guess would be two girls but not to buy anything yet. So, we are anxiously awaiting our next appointment in T minus 36 hours.

I have had a spate of bad news recently. Sadly and most importantly, my father has been diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer. He has a 10-inch tumor on his kidney that has spread to his liver. Even worse is that the doctor has given him a life expectancy of one to three years even with successful injectible treatment of a drug called Torisel. I’m not sure I’m ready to go much further on this topic because it has been tremendously sad and difficult. I tend to gloss over the bad stuff to others but take it much harder than I let on.

Next month my brother will depart to Afghanistan with his Air Guard unit. Sadly, he will be on leave when the babies arrive. I am most concerned about how his absence will affect my mom while she is caring for my dad. Again, not going in to much detail but let’s just say it hasn’t and won’t be easy.

Today I learned that my hours, salary and vacation time have been cut back at work. This comes after learning about two employee layoffs and a few other budgetary cutbacks at my office. I am very thankful to have been spared the “chopping block” so to speak. This news is really a blessing in disguise because I was going to propose a reduced workweek upon my return from maternity leave. While I would have preferred to carry out a full week prior to maternity leave this time off will allow more flexibility for me to visit my parents who are a 5-hour drive away.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2 Week Recap

The past few weeks have been very busy and as a result I’m starting to feel a little worn down. The weekend before last I headed to Atlanta to visit my family, give the news to my high school girlfriends and attend the Eddie Ross Scott’s Antique Market tour.

Below is a photo of Eddie examining the umbrella stand I ended up buying, such fun! Sadly, I have yet to clean it up and find a place for it in my house. In fact, it’s still in my garage. Also pictured is the gorgeous corner cabinet my best friend found, it fits perfectly in her bathroom! I also managed bring home the bassinet my mom used when I was an infant. It’s a beautiful white and sturdy wicker. I still have my doubts about using an antique but am going to give it a shot.
Today is the 12 week mark which is pretty exciting. Last week I picked up a Bella Band and have been using it pretty much daily. This week in particular I noticed most pants are feeling more than a little snug. I also picked up a box full of summer maternity clothes from a friend who had her little girl last fall. I’m thinking I’ll be pretty darn big by this summer and may not even be able to fit into some of them but it’s so nice to have them available.

We aren’t scheduled to go back to the doctor until February 4. I’ve been struggling with the decision to switch from my OB to a Multiples Specialist and think I’m finally OK with making the switch. There is only one NICU in town and it is located at the hospital where I plan to deliver. Should the babies have any complicat
ions and need to visit the NICU, I’ll already be there and won’t have to worry about not being in the same hospital as them.

Lastly, I have recently attended two Moms of Multiples meetings. These ladies are a wealth of knowledge and I’m really looking forward to getting involved. I’m particularly excited about their big tag sale in the spring, I love a good deal!
(Thanks to Rhoda from Southern Hospitality for letting me borrow the below photo)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First OBGYN Appointment

Yesterday my husband and I went for our first appointment with my OB. I was poked, prodded and thoroughly examined. Then I asked her a million and one questions. Of course, the best part was yet another ultrasound! Both babies looked great, Baby A was measuring 9 weeks 6 days and Baby B was measuring 10 weeks 2 days. The ultrasound photos are not nearly as clear as the ones from the fertility clinic and I definitely don’t have electronic versions. I’ve got to get myself to a camera place quick to have them scanned so I can upload them here.

I’ve only gained a pound while pregnant so I really need to work on this. My OB said to expect to gain around 50 lbs! Usually this is not a problem for me because I have always been a shall we say, hearty eater. Last night my husband handed me grape after grape while we watched Law & Order (in bed) like the old married couple we are. I’m pretty sure those days will be over come this summer.

I’m really working on trying to incorporate more photos here; personally I find it boring to read a blog without them. So, below I’ve included a couple twin strollers that I’m eyeing. Considering I have a compact car where on earth will they fit?

Bumbleride Indie Twin

Domino Twin Baby Pram by Inglesina

Baby Jogger City Elite Double

Friday, January 2, 2009

Nursery Obsessing

While on bed rest I started hoarding nursery inspiration photos. Once we find out the baby's sexes I can really get excited about decorating the nursery. I’m really aiming to make the nursery transitional to childhood to save money and time in the future.

Third Ultrasound & New Year’s Eve

Today was our third ultrasound, it’s amazing how much larger the babies look! We saw their heads, arms, legs, fingers and the umbilical cord. They were both moving, apparently in response to the handful of Cheez-Its I had just downed. It was so much fun to really get a good look at them! I hugged my doctor and nurse goodbye and they sent me off to my OB who I will see on Wednesday. The doctor gave me the go ahead to stop my prometrium, hooray! I really hope our OB is able to give us CD’s of our ultrasounds because I am dying to post pictures on the blog. I really need to go and have our current pictures scanned to preserve them.

My New Year’s Eve was quite cozy. My husband went to the Outback Bowl to watch the Gamecocks lose to Iowa so I was solo. After work I went to Target and stocked up on ornaments for next year at 75% off. I went home, put on my pajamas and made macaroni & cheese. I got in bed and watched this movie, then switched to the countdown. Of course I fell asleep which was made easier thanks to the Boppy Body Pillow given to me by my aunt and uncle. I woke up to a phone call from my husband wishing me Happy New Years then went back to bed. I was equally lazy yesterday and spent the day watching this, this and this. Finally, I started writing in my new pregnancy journal which was an adorable gift from my mom.

Happy New Year to all!