Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great News – 2 Frozen Embryos!

We found out this morning that our remaining 2 embryos did make it to freeze. They were given a 50/50 chance. They are both grade 4AA which is pretty much perfect! This means that if this cycle doesn’t work we can try a Frozen Embryo Transfer (like we did in June). I’m so relieved!

Bed rest is going pretty well. My mom has been a busy bee getting the house ready for Thanksgiving next week and I’ve gotten an early start on my Christmas cards.


bb said...

YAY for frozen embies!! That is very exciting! Hope your 2ww goes by quickly and that you get some great news at the end ;-)

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Good news. Hope that you get even better news soon...

Haven and Home said...

Hi! I found your blog through your comment on Pink Wallpaper and I had to check it out. I wish you the best of luck with the fertility and I will be keeping my fingers crossed!