Monday, October 20, 2008

Momentary Obsession: Thanksgiving

As newlyweds in the fall of 2004 we were keen to host Thanksgiving at our house. Luckily we have held onto this tradition and this time each year I become obsessed with planning my menu. This is also the time of year my husband becomes obsessed with building a fire at the first hint of a chill in the air. We have a hilariously huge stack of firewood which is used oh, two months out of the year.

Our first Thanksgiving I pretty much lazily delegated the whole meal to my husband, parents and in laws while posing for "Our First Thanksgiving" photos with my pearls and monogrammed apron around the table and in the kitchen. On our second Thanksgiving I actually cooked a little while my husband fried the turkey. Last year we were thrilled to include my aunt, uncle and cousins who joined us from their four respective cities in our new house. This year there will be 10 of us again snuggled tightly around our dinner table.

Next weekend I go to Charlotte for a girl’s trip which will include a visit to Trader Joe’s for some pantry treats. I estimated that my beta (pregnancy test) should fall right before Thanksgiving which could make for a very uplifting or rather depressing holiday season pending the results. Anyways, below are two recipes that I am currently mulling over.

Baked Spinach and Gruyère

Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta

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